After 12 ✨stellar✨ years as a cooperative, not-for-profit and post-capitalist community art and cultural space in greenpoint, the sunview luncheonette is preparing for a cosmic transition. The building at 221 Nassau Ave has been sold, and while this marks the end of an era, it is also the beginning of a new one for the collective.
We are moving to a new home—one that will continue to be an inclusive gathering space for artists, organizers, eco-activists, poets and writers, neighbors, and friends, and we need your help to make it happen!
The Sunview Luncheonette is a co-operative, a storefront on pause, a member-based social club, a sometimes microvenue for art, poetics, regionalism, mutual aid, and commoning. It floats above the second largest oil spill in US history, down the street from an active EPA Superfund site. It is resistant to traditional forms of commerce, commodification, and to gentrification. It is above all, an “approach,” and least of all, an “outcome.” It is unknown. It is hopeful. It saves you a seat at the counter.