
We're Moving!

After 12 ✨stellar✨ years as a cooperative, not-for-profit community art and cultural space in Greenpoint, the Sunview Luncheonette is preparing for a cosmic transition. The building at 221 Nassau Ave has been sold, and while this marks the end of an era, it is also the beginning of a new one for the collective.

We are moving to a new home—one that will continue to be an inclusive gathering space for artists, organizers, eco-activists, poets and writers, neighbors, and friends, and we need your help to make it happen!

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Help support the Sunview Luncheonette through a one-time donation of any amount. The Sunview is not-for-profit and all donations will go toward maintaining the building and supporting our programs. We are fiscally sponsored by Brooklyn Arts Council, so some donations may be tax-deductible. Email to find out.

You can also support the Sunview with a recurring contribution of $2, $5 or $10/month. Receive invites to all Sunview events, and a copy of everything we print on the Risograph.

If you’re interested in joining the Sunview as a member at the $50/month level send an email to for benefits and an overview.