Come to the Sunview on Friday night, August 5th, 8 pm, for CLUB NIGHT.
This week we'll be joined by filmmaker/photographer/artist/wayfarer Bill Daniel, of "Who is Bozo Texino a Secret History of Hobo Graffiti" renown (i.e. "A Hypnotic, rail-rattling tone poem of subversive wayfarer wisdom.") Bill will show some of his nautical video/installation documentation, and talk about touring as a non-band, which he recently led as a workshop for Black Mountain School, e.g. "DIY touring strategies for visual and media artists," along with clips from his SFVHS collection of California artists' videos (see below).
Food. BYOB. Videos.
The Sunview Lunchnet
221 Nassau Avenue (Corner of N. Henry, Greenpoint)
Brooklyn, NY 11222
SFVHS: California artists' video 1988-1999
Roving artist and makeshift film scholar, Bill Daniel, is back in the van with a program of videos retrieved from his milk crate media archive. The videos date from the late analog era in San Francisco, corresponding roughly between SF's punk heydays and the first dot com boom. During this time Daniel was a participant in the Mission District collective Artists' Television Access, where these video screened. The 80 minute program spans a range of forms from agit prop, pranks, activist documentation, video art, street journalism, anti-capitalist intervention, and plain old fun. The tapes are no-budget, raw and playful--- most of them produced on simple linear tape-to-tape analog editing systems. Looking back at this era it's hard not to feel nostalgic for a kind of golden moment as anti-Gulf War protestors take over the Bay Bridge, beer-guzzling soapbox-racing bike messengers take over Bernal Heights for word-of-mouth stagings of The San Francisco Illegal Soapbox Society, and artists modify billboards, participate in anti-logging protests, and retrieve lost pieces of San Francisco’s counter cultural history. The analog video cassette format was cheap and accessible and allowed artists to work fast and loose, and pursue subjects not practical on 16mm. The format's drawbacks--- low resolution and clunky linear editing---engender much of this work with kind of an endearing primitive style of bumpy flow.
All work presented on the original VHS tapes, in-person! Discussion to follow.
Shut Down Downtown Fogtown, Whispered Media, 8 min., 1990
Clarion Alley Mural Project, Jim Kavanaugh, 10 min, 1994
(Jack Wright, performance documentation, ATA Gallery), Bill Daniel, (excerpt), 1988
Slow Gin Soul Stallion, Animal Charm, 3 min, 1996
Thought Crimes in the Satiation Pool, Barry Schwartz and Barney Haynes, 7 min, 1989
Redwood Report, Greta Snider and Bill Daniel, 22 min, 1990
Strain Andromeda The, Anne McGuire, (excerpt)
Circue, Lisa Brennan, 4 min, 1992
Bringing it to You, RT Mark (excerpt.), 1998
Hide, Eric Saks and Patrick Tierney, 1 min, 1990
Endless Endless Summer, Bill Daniel, (excerpt), 1988
On Any Third Sunday, San Francisco Illegal Soapbox Society, 20 min, 1995
Pie Fight 69, Christian Bruno and Sam Green, 7 min. 1999
About Sunview Luncheonette – The Sunview Luncheonette is a storefront on pause; a member-based social club; a microvenue for art, poetics, regionalism, mutual aid, and commoning. The Luncheonette performs semi-public dinners, talks, work-shops, lectures, plays, reading groups, and musical interludes in a semi-private setting. It is resistant to traditional forms of commerce, commodification, and gentrification. It is above all, an “approach,” and least of all, an “outcome.” It is unknown. It is hopeful. It saves you a seat at the counter. Website:
PPS: Bill is presenting his and Shlomit Strutti's AURA WORKSHOP on Tuesday Aug 9th, 7 - 10 pm down the way at 94 Jewel Street. He'll be in Pittsburgh the night before and Philly the night after and I guess NYC is sort of on the way if you don't mind driving. Texas-based filmmaker/photographer Bill Daniel and Tel Aviv artist Shlomit Strutti are touring with a portable art exhibit featuring works on paper. Strutti, with new drawings, monoprints and photographs, and Daniel, with a mix of found ephemera, portraits, and printing experiments, have assembled a massive mash-up that is displayed ad-hoc on portable foam insulation panels that the artists travel with and set up in a variety of settings, from nightclubs to art galleries to DIY spaces.
- Presentations
- Screenings