Please come to the Sunview next Wednesday, April 2nd @ 7:30 PM. Anastasiya Osipova will be speaking on the revolution in Ukraine and:
Crucified Hawks, Bendera vs. Bender, and the Golden Breadloaf: Burnt Postcards From Kiev
Anastasiya writes:
"Tonight, I will sort out letters written and photos taken by my family and friends in revolutionary Kiev. Artists, journalists, human rights activists, anarchists, retirees – with the help of their accounts I will draw a nuanced, personable, and convoluted picture of the absurdities, atrocities, as well as the heroism of the revolutionary everyday. The audience is welcome to divine with me the character of the cultural and aesthetic imagination behind these scenes that far exceed the limited story of a Europe/Russia split presented by most Western media.
I will reconstruct the basic chronology of the events, decipher terminology born on Maidan, tell many illuminating anecdotes and stories from the participants, and will be happy to answer, to the best of my knowledge, questions about Ukrainian history and culture."
Anastasiya Osipova is an editor of the Cicada Press and a Ph.D. Candidate at the NYU's Comparative Literature Department.
Photo Credit: Alexandr (Sasha) Burlaka
Download a PDF of Circling the Square from Cicada Press's Website, here:
- Presentations