3 documentary filmmakers. 4 films. 1 luncheonette. Unknown quantity of snacks.
You are cordially invited to a wee private night of films by Jessica Kingdon, Tim Hawkins, and St. John McKay, their latest and semi-latest documentaryish works that are on timely issues. This will be held at the fantabulous Sunview Luncheonette in sunny Greenpoint, a former diner now art venue for those of you who doth not know its charms.
Not a big screen, not a big fancy do, just a nice get together. We’ll talk about the films after we show them if you have any questions, otherwise we’ll just drink away our nervousness at baring our very souls for your cold judgment. Beer and wine will be there for you, maybe a bottle of whiskeyor something, and I guess some snacks. Americans love to snack. Try and RSVP so we know how much stuff to buy for you. We gotta be out hard at 11 so any adventure minded can continue on somewhere else until we die.
Here are trailers for the films for you to peruse.
(warning: St. John’s films NSFW. Luckily you will not be at work. But you’ve been warned. Yes, you.)
Rough Schedule:
Tim Hawkins https://vimeo.com/timtravershawkins:
'SURPRISEVILLE’ (a beautiful study of a gated community in Surprise, Arizona)
Jessica Kingdon http://jckbox.com/:
'LOOKING AT ANIMALS' (a beautifully horrifying study of animals on view)* (*Jess reserves right to change film without notice)
St. John McKay http://asinsmith.com/:
'WE'RE ALL IN THE SAME BUCKET' 1 & 2 (2 horrifyingly horrific studies of economic inequality and climate change)
St. John (McKay) Smithhttp://asinsmith.com/
- Screenings