Space is limited, so RSVP to (or reply to this email) to reserve a spot!
Incredible Witness is a funhouse exercise in phenomenology and the physics of compassion, a public laboratory of perception where game play and sensory immersion help us to discover the roots of empathy. Incredible Witness asks: how can we ever be “credible witnesses” when even the most basic perceptions, such as color vision or spatial awareness, differ drastically from person to person?
Come join us for games that shift you into new sensory worlds, and tell us about your own sensory quirks and secrets. Soup and hot beverages will be served. Free of charge, but bring some snacks or drinks to share. Check out some documentation of our November 15 event. (If you're in the pictures and want a digital or hard copy, let us know).
Incredible Witness is: Lauren Bierly, Clarinda Mac Low, and Allison Parrish.
- Workshops