My friends,
I may as well just go right ahead and say that there is a Jantar show this Saturday. The wheels are in motion. Nothing can stop it. Remember that movie with that creepy guy in front of that giant wall that probably goes on forever since you can't see the top of it or even the sides? And so when you go up to the guy he says, "Foolish mortal, you basically have to do this thing that is impossible to get by this wall, go forth and fail now!" This Jantar show is that style of inevitable. This means: go ahead and an cancel your plans for Saturday because I am inviting you. It doesn't even matter what you have/had/didn't have planned, you must come. Here are some helpful details:
WHERE: Sunview Luncheonette Social Club at the corner of Nassau and Henry in Greenpoint
WHEN: Saturday, February 22, 2014, 7:00 - 10:00
WHAT: Jantar, classic quartet line-up except we need someone to play guitar on one song please
HOW: Well, we are going to play and cook at the same time, pretty much. I had a cooker all lined up (a "cooker" is a person who cooks things, commonly misidentified as a "cook" which is a verb wtf?) but he bailed. Is meatloaf and vegetarian pasta okay? What do YOU want eat??? Tell me and I'll try to make it! There will definitely be booze there to ease the pain of existence. You can BYOB but I am gonna try to stock up so: you're covered. We will play whenever you get there, as long it is by 8:00! And then stop at the end, like that one book. Please talk and eat and drink instead of listening to us, this is very important!
WHY: I DON'T KNOW. Let's go ahead with: fear of death -- at least for this show. Easy listening as regression; our collective complacent head in the infantilizing lap of Hugo Winterhalter as he strokes our hair and sings "Crystal Chandelier" while we look up at his cold, lifeless smile and swear that we will never, ever again stray from home out into THE FRIGHTENING UNKNOWN, only to wake up to find you are actually back stage at a Kevin Ayers show passed out on dirty vinyl couch while The Whole World runs through a longer-then-usual version of "Pisser dans un violin."
The Velvet Hermetic System is fully operable and will be ready for your viewing pleasures!
Alenkiy tsvetochek on the big screen!
OH can you let me know if you're coming? Space is literally limited.
- Performances