Members! This Saturday at the luncheonette:
Circa seven o' the clock, post merideim, Jay and I will make some more pasta, I will stock the mini-fridge with watery domestics. Kirsten will bring desert. Bring something as well!
+/- 8:00 PM, Pigeons perform plainsong/pieces per parallel preserves [+/- special guest(s)?]
NINE: P.G. Six!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ten O'Clock: MAZOZMA THEATRE DUO, Ma Turner & Katrina Dixon, live, in a diner, {[*no preview available jpeg*]} Free lathe 7" KENNY B/W INSTRUMENTAL SLSC 5
It is going to be a magical night!
- Performances