A forum and perforum on posthuman poetics with
Dominic Pettman
Margret Grebowicz
Emmy Catedral
Christopher Vandegrift
Kalan Sherrard
Dominic Pettman is Chair of Liberal Studies, New School for Social Research, and Professor of Culture & Media, Eugene Lang College. Topics which inspire him include techno-poetics, libidinal economics, inter-species epiphanies, extimate hauntologies, and trans-cultural culinary possibilities. His books include After the Orgy: Toward a Politics of Exhaustion (SUNY, 2002), Love and Other Technologies: Retrofitting Eros for the Information Age (Fordham, 2006), Look at the Bunny: Totem, Taboo, Technology (Zero Books, 2013), In Divisible Cities (Deal Letter Office / Punctum Press, 2013), and - fresh off the presses - Humid, All Too Humid (Punctum, 2016).
Margret Grebowicz is Associate Professor of Philosophy at Goucher College, author of The National Park to Come and Why Internet Porn Matters (Stanford University Press, 2015 and 2013), Beyond the Cyborg: Adventures with Donna Haraway (Columbia, 2013, with Helen Merrick), and editor of Gender After Lyotard (SUNY 2007), among other collections. Since 2002, she has also worked as a jazz- and experimental music vocalist and lyricist, translated poetry from her native Polish, and done ethnographic work along the U.S./Mexico border. Writings and translations have appeared in numerous journals, like Agni, Guernica, Two Lines, Philosophy of Science, Environmental Humanities, Hypatia, World Literature Today, and Humanimalia. Current projects emerging at the intersection of eros, wilderness, technology, collective experience, and improvisation include her work on cetaceans and environmental imagination, mobility impairment and adventure culture, and sex and sustainability. She teaches in Baltimore and lives in Brooklyn.
Emmy Catedral makes objects, rooms, walks, and hosts salons as The Amateur Astronomers Society of Voorhees and The Explorers Club of Enrique de Malacca. Work has been presented at Queens Museum, Flux Factory, LaMama ETC, The New York Historical Society, Sadie Halie Projects, Primetime, and Center For Book Arts, among other places with names, as well as unnamed and temporarily named nooks and sidewalks. notadancingbear.com
Christopher Vandegrift is a writer and artist whose practice spans film, experimental music, and poetics. His writing has appeared in the Western Humanities Review, and has been covered on Jacket2 and The Conversant. His video/new media/etc. work has been exhibited internationally – at venues including ISEA 2015, the Philadelphia Institute of Contemporary Art, Galerie Wechselstrom, and LUMA Westbau. This spring, he curated Changing Delineations / Delineating Change, a pop-up exhibition at the Penn Museum's William Pepper Hall Gallery. His debut book, Policy Pete’s Dream Book, is forthcoming later this year.
Kalan Sherrard is in a Tool-Being becoming, triangulating around the post-everything north american conglomerate under the rubric: "I am not this Narrative of Self. I am as any other mess of stuffs." www.enormousface.com
Produced by Joe Milutis
- Sunview