Hope you can make it on Tuesday, March 25th at 8PM to the Sunview Luncheonette for a group discussion/planning and general information session for Utopia School (more info on U.S. is below**).
Even if you're not sure what Utopia School is or this is the first you're hearing about it, but you are, like me, always desirous of injecting more utopian thinking & planning & discourse into a dystopically-fixated culture, come and meet with us and help plan the project.
If you think of it, e-mail us sometime over the next few days to RSVP & so we can have a rough idea of how many people are coming and can cook accordingly.
Utopia School is a new exhibition and learning project focusing on the subject of Utopias, past and present, failed and successful. We want the planning and structure of this project to resemble a Utopia. Recipe for failure?
You tell us. Let's try.
We are calling for collaborators-in-residence!
To us, Utopias are places and projects which re-imagine the world in some crucial way. We are seeking Makers, Builders, Artists, Theorists, Writers, Documentarians, Teachers, Researchers, Archivists, Spokescouncilers, Learners, Remote Correspondents, Support Staff, etc. to help create an interactive schoolhouse at Flux Factory for the month of October, 2014. Part of this collaborative team will be 5 full-time residents to come live in the school with us, to learn, teach, archive, and create lasting documentation of the ground we cover together. A “resident” of the school could take many forms, such as a dumpster-diver in residence, filmmaker-in-residence, a builder, healer, theorist, or writer in residence.
If you want to live with us during the school, or to propose a class/installation/game, etc, email your ideas (with sketches, images, websites, etc) to:
We are operating on rolling deadlines, with submissions due on the 15th of each month, until July 15th, which will be our final deadline. Deadlines are also followed up by OPEN review sessions, in person (and with food), so check the website for updates on when we’re eating together. We look forward to meeting you.
XOXO, The Utopia School Team
- Presentations