The Utopia School People's Kitchen as an off-site canteen/mess hall for utopia school participants. Once a week we come together to have a meal at Sunview Luncheonette.This event is meant to be unstructured social time. More like a standing dinner date than a presentation. Sometimes we cook together. No music. No waiters. Not a restaurant. And we can switch off chefs by the night.
Guest capacity is capped at 35 +-, first-come, first-served. We ask for a donation based on what people feel they can pay.
Friday, October 3, 2014 - 8:00pm to 11:00pm
Friday, October 10, 2014 - 8:00pm to 10:00pm
Friday, October 17, 2014 - 8:00pm to 10:00pm
Friday, October 24, 2014 - 8:00pm to 10:00pm
Friday, October 31, 2014 - 8:00pm to 10:00pm
About Utopia School:
We're co-developing a new learning project called Utopia School, with people who want to share information about both failed and successful Utopian projects and work towards new ones. For us, utopias are those spaces and initiatives that reimagine the world in some crucial way. The school will engage and connect local experts in urgent conversations while building something tangible together. The goal of these connections is to help accumulate collective knowledge from one locale to another throughout the duration of this multi-city project, into a comprehensive database and open curricula on utopian thought and practice. This will include physical places and relationship dynamics involved, as well as systems of organizing, political context, common roadblocks, and the methods used to create and sustain these projects.
For our Fall 2014 Session in New York, Utopia School will create a schoolhouse in the Queen’s based collective, Flux Factory. The school will incorporate a series of theoretical and practical workshops, field trips, screenings, talks and games, and will house a group of dedicated participants, as well as the digital Utopia Library. We are seeking collaborators who may take on one or more roles including Makers, Builders Artists, Theorists, Writers, Documentarians, Researchers, Archivists, Learners, Remote correspondents, On-site Residents, Support Staff, and other roles we may have not yet envisioned.
- People's Kitchen